Carlos Areces

Stand Up Logician
FaMAF, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Medina Allende s/n , Ciudad Universitaria
CP:X5000HUA Córdoba, Argentina
Phone: (0054) 351 5353701 - Ext. 41414 or 43030
Fax: +54 351 4334054
mail: firstname.lastname (at)

When all is said and done,
what's left, what stays,
from being human,
is Logic.
Logic removes all the flesh and ornaments,
and gives us the underlying bones
of what we know.
Whether it intends to do so or not,
logic turns out to be a moral compass.
We overlook it at our own peril,
as Logic is even more inexorable
than taxes and death.

Valeria de Paiva
Samsung Research America